The link between the "no make-up Selfie" and Cancer Awareness.

Lately there is a new craze with many people joining it and just following the trend- the "no make-up selfie" for cancer awareness.
I got nominated to share my "no make-up selfie" on Facebook and so I did. Personally I think it is great to raise awareness about cancer but what I couldn't figure out was the link between 'no make-up' and cancer awareness. 
I thought about it for a while. I looked at the photos of my other friends who shared their photo and saw their natural beauty.  I also read some of my friends'  views on this trend. Some are totally for it and other think that it is foolish and doesn't make a difference.

It really made me think about it. Why ladies,  do we wear make up? What are we trying to hide? And what is the link between no make-up and cancer awareness?
The skin of people with cancer usually become so irritated and sensitive that the "make-up" routine is skipped... Some still wear it, others don't.
The following thought came to mind and for me, this is the link between the 'no make-up selfie' and cancer awareness: we are made beautiful in the image of God. Why would we try to hide that? People fighting cancer are also beautifully made and when you stop and take time to really look at them, you see fire in their eyes- a fire to win the fight against cancer. They are beautiful and they are who they are in that moment. Many of them choose not to hide (I am not saying that those who decide to wear make-up are hiding) and therefore I can now link no make up to cancer- we are all beautiful on the inside and on the outside. The beauty of the heart shines through our eyes.
The 'no make-up selfie' is a way of making the world see the fire to fight cancer. I'm also viewing the selfie as a way of showing that we care and that we are fighting with them, praying with them. We can be beautiful without make-up because as humans we all have a fighting spirit ...or at least... That is MY opinion, MY view. Others may differ from me and I am so happy that we are all entitled to our own opinion because I can share it with the world.

I do not have cancer but I know of people who do, who fights and survive and they inspire me. Their will to live is so much stronger and they live for God! They don't let anything hold them back and certainly not a naked face.

I am practising self-control to NOT put on any make-up- not just for 5 minutes but to go out naturally and let the beauty of my heart shine through my eyes and on my face. I'm choosing to see myself through the eyes of God and not letting my naked face keep me from going out. Some people living with cancer might not only have a "naked face" but they might even have a "naked head" -  so this is me telling you, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!!!

I don't know what 'link' the other people made between the selfie and cancer but for me, it is that everyone is beautiful, naturally.

 I am practising self-control to not stand in front of the mirror and think- "I look sick or ugly without make-up" because I'm not and neither are you... I am, WE ARE naturally beautiful. Practise self control to not grab the mascara so that your 'eyes can pop'- make your eyes 'pop' the natural God-given way- with a smile.

Smile with me, Let that fire burn.


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