Peace by Peace

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
John 14:27 (NIV)

I thought that starting with this verse is very appropriate. Peace... if only we can have more of it. Everyone dreams of a peaceful land and a peaceful world. We dream of peace at work and peace at home but we are never quite satisfied. We always dream of more and why not? To be peaceful is a great feeling. To know that there is peace in our world will be absolutely wonderful.

But how do we start?

Peace begins with yourself. Think about it... can you truly say that your heart is at peace with everything happening in your life? Are you truly happy in your relationship? Are you happy at work? Is everything okay between you and your family members. Is everything okay mentally?
I know it might sound like silly questions but if we want peace we have to start making peace with the things in our lives that bother us.We have to do it piece by piece.

I know that I am not at peace with a few things in life and for me to find peace and to know peace - I have to make a move to change it. I can start with spending more time with Christ and focusing on my inner self... mentally and emotionally making peace with what happened in the past. Spending time with Jesus is a sure way to find peace in my heart and when I find it - I must share it.

Imagine if all of us started with ourselves, making peace with the monsters in our heads, finding peace and sharing it with the next person - sharing your story and how you got to the point of making peace? We will be changing the world "peace by peace" (it is spelled like that for a reason).

In my opinion if you find Jesus, you will find peace among other great things. For some it may seem hard to do - finding Jesus I mean... but it starts with a choice: Yes I want to find Him ... or ... No, I am not interested in finding Him. If you do choose to find Him the second step is to accept Him as your Master and saviour. Maybe you did that a long time ago and as the years passed - you just let Him go... the good news however is that He NEVER lets you go. See it as you and Jesus facing each other... when you turn around he is still faced towards you, waiting and ready for when you make the choice to turn back - He NEVER leaves - Now that idea gives me peace.

Make peace with your enemy. Find peace in your situation. God gives peace, don't be afraid to ask Him for it.


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