Prayer Walk through your Home

This morning I got up and started praying in our bedroom, (I usually start praying here the moment I wake up as I like to start my day with Jesus) and as I was praying I remembered something I saw on Pinterest - a Prayer walk through your Home. When I saw this post a few days back, I scanned through the content and then I just kinda forgot about it again... until this morning.

I became quiet and thought about what I can specifically pray for in our bedroom. I asked the Holy Spirit to come over me and give me the words so I can pray in and through the Spirit. I prayed for many things as I did the Prayer Walk through our home and I would like to share some of those things with you...

So, as I mentioned, I started in the...


Here I prayed for:

  • Peaceful Nights
  • Rest for our bodies and minds
  • To be protected as we unwind
  • Dreams where our Lord speaks to us
  • Spiritual Growth
  • Blessing in our marriage
  • As my husband and I showcase our love towards eachother, that we will continue to honour God in our marriage and relationship. 
  • the love of God to surround us and comfort us
  •  I also thanked and praised God for the privilege of having a bed to sleep in, warm sheets to cover and protect us from the cold and a roof over our heads.
  • Put on the FULL ARMOUR of GOD before we go about our day
I then moved to the...


  • Thank God for the water and infrastructure we have to be able to cleanse ourselves
  • Thank the Lord Jesus for cleansing us with His precious blood
  • Thank Him for His life giving blood
  • His living water that flows through us
  • Ask for forgiveness of sins
  • Ask to purify our heart and minds
  • Create a clean heart in us
  • Renew the right spirit in us


I didn't quite know what to pray here so I really just asked the Holy Spirit to give me the words and I got something a little odd. The Holy Spirit suddenly gave me the Afrikaans phrase - 'Sit op die troon' and this is translated to English as "Sitting on the Throne" and "lavatory" is sometimes referred to as "throne"... so...
  • Worship God as the Kings of kings, the Lord of Lords that sits on His throne in all His majesty. (I am in no way saying that our Father in Heaven and King sits on a toilet)


  • Thank God for His perfect provision
  • Thank God for food
  • Thank God for the tools to prepare food and drink.
  • Ask God to continually provide for us
  • Ask God for His blessing in our bodies and health
  • Honour God in your body by consuming what is good for your as your body is a temple for the Holy Spirit to dwell in.

Hall Way

I read a few places that as you wait for the Lord to open up doors for you, you should praise Him in the hall way... so I started with that and then
  • Thank God for every open door (blessing) that no one can shut because He has a plan for us, a plan of welfare and not of evil, a plan to give us a future and a hope.
  • Thank God for every door He clsed shut the no one can open (because He knows better , His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher then our thoughts)
  • Ask God to lead us in His light and His ways
  • Ask God to show us the correct path and that we may follow Him
  • Ask God to go out before us and straighten our paths.

Living Room

  • Thank God for the memories made
  • Thank God for blessing us with family
  • Praise God for giving us life
  • Praise Jesus that He came so we can have life in abundance
  • Ask God to lead us and help us to minister to others that come though our living room doors
  • Ask God that others may see His light shine through us
  • Ask God to bless you financially remembering that what we have is because God is gracious.
  • Praise God and thank Him for new seasons, new beginnings and renewed life.

Home (All over)

  • Ask the Holy Spirit to fill and flood the place
  • The the presence of the Holy Spirit lead us
  • Ask God for protection from evil
  • Declare that our house will serve the Lord

You can of course amend the prayer walk to be more fitting to you and your home but it is essentially walking through your home and praying over certain areas in your life.

May you all be blessed.


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