Finding your Identity in Christ

who am I? 
who AM I?
WHO am I?
Image: Ron Gelok III

This is a question so many of us asks ourselves and after years of questioning who I am, I realized that I had to pursue my identity in Christ and as I do that, I will start to unwrap who I am... because I knew my true self was hidden underneath layers of lies, comparison and confusion.

Lisa Bevere said: You are the beginning and the end of you.
This really stuck with me and let me explain why.

God is the great "I Am" He is the Beginning and the End, the Alpha and the Omega.
We ask "Who am I" while forgetting that the great "I AM" created us with a purpose, a beginning and an end. We tend to forget that all our days were already written up even before we were conceived - WOW!

The great "I AM" authored you and me... and now we ask "who am I"...
He gives meaning to the "I am" in our question, but we forgot who we are because we allowed the lies of the enemy and worldly comparisons to strip us of our identity.


Below are only a few TRUTHS from the word of God, I read these to myself as AFFIRMATIONS, declaring and claiming it!


Go out and RECLAIM your IDENTITY in CHRIST. You are created in His likeness, you have the mind of Christ (Phil 2:5) – I would like to see all of us live like that!


Be blessed!


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