Invitation sent - are you accepting?

So far 2020 has been challenging...

First challenging on a personal level as I experienced the Lord teaching me a few things of how to deal with some situations, business principles etc and being aware of the Corona Virus in China.

I started to regularly dream about weddings which was weird because I haven't been dreaming about weddings since before I got married. I'm guessing the dreams started around the beginning of February and I practically had a wedding related dream once a week.

The first wedding dream I could recall was my own wedding but the focus wasn't on me but on the bride's (also not me, rather a universal character representing all brides) dress and the walk down the aisle. The dress was white with black inserts and the aisle a long walk but sure enough the groom got closer.

The second wedding dream was focused on the off-whitish-light-ivory dress and the location - on the beach with ocean views. The level of the ocean water was rising - like a huge tsunami wave but the bride was unafraid. When the wave broke, the water only lightly splashed on the bride.

Third wedding dream was a friend of mines wedding (I wasn't even at this particular friend's wedding because I only got to know her after she got married...anyway). The focus here was on the part where the bride is getting ready before the ceremony with more specific focus on the head piece - not a veil, just a head piece - even more specifically - 1920's headband. In the dream I thought it was a crown. It was green with black organza and suddenly it changed to a white band with a pink rhinestone. 

Pause on the dreams about weddings - because around this time (March 2020) the Corona Virus Covid-19 became a world pandemic! 

The fourth dream was wedding where I was the photographer. The focus here was specifically on the invitation and the number 20. 

I woke up from the fourth dream and suddenly it was all clear to me. In that moment, the Lord gave me the interpretation of all the dreams together. It was almost like I dreamed backwards...

The interpretation is simple - JESUS SENT THE INVITATION, ARE YOU ACCEPTING?
Is the bride of Christ really getting ready for His return? Does she realize that she is walking down the aisly and with every step, closer to the Groom (the return of Christ is closer than we think)

The number 20 also played a significant role:

According to
Number 20 in Bible symbolizes the cycles of completeness. It is not so widely used, but often it is connected to a perfect period of waiting, labor or suffering that is compared to a trial and rewarded. Jacob waited 20 years to get his wives and property and to release from his father-in-law.

I further believe that the dreams speaks of purification and growth and new life - that God is busy preparing His Church for the return of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. In Him, we can have new life. 

About a week after I had the fourth dream, South Africa introduced new laws to promote social distancing to help curb the spread of the covid-19 virus. A week later, our President - C.Ramaphosa declared a national lock down for 21 days. Everything happened super fast - within a few weeks. People thought they still had time to get things done before the lock down. It was madness, everyone was rushed and a lot of people were panicking? Will it be the same on Christ's return? Will people panic and rely on early goods or will they have peace in Christ?

God's love is unfailing and unending. His grace is great and He is a very patient Father BUT He will not wait forever for you to accept the invitation. The invitation to accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, has been sent. Only those that accept the invitation, will be able to join in the marriage feast.


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