
Showing posts from 2017

Finding your Identity in Christ

who am I?  who AM I? WHO am I? Image: Ron Gelok III This is a question so many of us asks ourselves and after years of questioning who I am, I realized that I had to pursue my identity in Christ and as I do that, I will start to unwrap who I am... because I knew my true self was hidden underneath layers of lies, comparison and confusion. Lisa Bevere said: You are the beginning and the end of you. This really stuck with me and let me explain why. God is the great "I Am" He is the Beginning and the End, the Alpha and the Omega. We ask "Who am I" while forgetting that the great "I AM" created us with a purpose, a beginning and an end. We tend to forget that all our days were already written up even before we were conceived - WOW! The great "I AM" authored you and me... and now we ask "who am I"... He gives meaning to the "I am" in our question, but we forgot who we are because we allowed the lies o

Prayer Walk through your Home

This morning I got up and started praying in our bedroom, (I usually start praying here the moment I wake up as I like to start my day with Jesus) and as I was praying I remembered something I saw on Pinterest - a Prayer walk through your Home. When I saw this post a few days back, I scanned through the content and then I just kinda forgot about it again... until this morning. I became quiet and thought about what I can specifically pray for in our bedroom. I asked the Holy Spirit to come over me and give me the words so I can pray in and through the Spirit. I prayed for many things as I did the Prayer Walk through our home and I would like to share some of those things with you... So, as I mentioned, I started in the... Bedroom Here I prayed for: Peaceful Nights Rest for our bodies and minds To be protected as we unwind Dreams where our Lord speaks to us Spiritual Growth Blessing in our marriage As my husband and I showcase our love towards eachother, that we wil

Combat the Enemy with 3 Steps

The spiritual realm is very real... even though we cannot see it, it is there. The word of God reminds us that  our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 6:12) It is therefore that we are encouraged in His word to put on the FULL ARMOUR OF GOD so that when the day of evil comes, we may be able to stand our ground, and after we have done everything, to stand, and having done all, to stand firm (Ephesians 6:13). I was always taught that the devil cannot hear our thoughts so if I want to chase him away, I have to do so audibly in the Name of Jesus. I learned to say it out loud since I was a little girl BUT I did not always speak with the authority I have in Christ Jesus. This year I really decided to dig a little deeper in to the theme of spiritual warfare because since the spiritual realm is a real thing, we need

My Testimony

I have been meaning to post this earlier but just never got round to it... but here it is and this way you can get to know me maybe a little better...I have never really shared my testimony because I never really felt like I had one. I have always grown up as a “Christian”, growing up in a Christian home. What I knew about Christianity was that Jesus died for me on the cross and rose after three days and He now lives in heaven and in my heart and I believed that (still do). So really my testimony is not what some may perceive as dramatic or even “wow” – but actually for me, it is a “wow-feeling” – the realization of actually just what it is that Jesus Christ did for me. So here it goes: I was always “fine”. I have shed tears and then I will go on smiling again. At some times my faith was strong… and other times it was neglected. Sometimes I prayed more, sometimes I prayed less. I have even blogged on this platform on times my faith was stronger or my relationship with God wa

Jesus answers over a spot of tea

So in my previous post I was telling you about my tea date with Jesus and how I had a real honest conversation with Him on suffering, going through trials and tribulations and how it’s painful... If you would like to read the previous post, click here: I had tea with Jesus ) I also kept you guessing in not telling you the whole answer straight away so in this post, I get to share the rest of the wonderful answer with you. This answer showed to me though the Holy Spirit now helps me to have courage. If you are like me and you are more of a visual person, then maybe this will help you as well.  So while I had this conversation with Jesus, He also answered me through His Spirit by showing me the following over a spot of tea: I saw a sword. The sword was mighty, shiny, strong and was able to win battles but the sword has to stay sharp and therefore it was being honed – You are the sword. Whaaaaaaat? I didn’t quite know what to make of it and felt a little confused

I had tea with Jesus

It was one of the colder mornings here in South Africa. After waking up, walking around in my PJ’s, I felt a little disconnected and I remember thinking   “I need to spend some time in the Word”… I walked into the living room (this is where I do most of my praying) and thought to myself  - It’s sooo cold, I would just like to have some tea… and then I decided just there and then that I am going to invite Jesus for a spot of tea because there is a few things I would like to talk to Him about. I got the tea pot and brewed some of my favourite tea. I sat down and had tea with Jesus. This was a very different approach compared to my usual way of praying. I spoke to Jesus like I would speak with my friend…(Jesus says He wants to be our friend and we are His friends – John 15:15 -  No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you. ). In this mom

DREAM: Walking into hell

I dream quite frequently (like most people do) and when I wake up, I usually forget what I have dreamed (like most people) however, in some cases it does happen that my dreams are extremely vivid and I remember every single detail... Over the years I have learned to take these vivid dreams to the Lord and ask the Holy Spirit for revelation because the Lord can communicate through dreams ( See   Genesis 28:10-17 ,  Genesis 37:1-11 ,  Matthew 1:20 ;  2:13  for examples). One of these dreams I had was as follow: It was daylight, like midday. The skies were clear and I was traveling with other people in a car. I was sitting in the backseat looking out through the back window. There were no other cars behind me but there were a small group of people showing STOP, STOP, STOP... Suddenly the car I was travelling in collided with a car in front. I was suddenly pulled out of the car into the air (the rest of this dream I watched play out from the top).  There were many other cars, a lot of tra

The Bride of Christ - WHAT ARE WE DOING?

One evening (5 April 2017), I was standing in my kitchen making tuna salad. While doing that I was praying and worshiping the Lord. I prayed for the Holy Spirit to speak to me and while I was praying I saw the following: A bride was getting ready for her groom. She was doing her best to look and be her best for the groom. I saw all the time that was put in to prepare for this moment, the moment the bride will meet her groom and she will be ready. And then the words: WHAT ARE THE BRIDE OF CHRIST DOING? The Holy Spirit then reminded me of the verse about the 10 virgins with oil lamps (Matt 25). 5 were wise and made the necessary preparations by taking extra oil, the other 5 were foolish. When the time came that the Groom was coming, the 5 foolish girls did not have enough oil in their lamps and had to go back to get more. While they were gone, the Groom came and the 5 girls who had prepared and had the extra oil went with the Groom into the marriage fest and the doors were s


I had this dream a while back and I have decided to share it: It was dusk but the night sky was really dark. There was no moon but I did see stars, many stars coming together in one place. All the stars in the night sky, grouped together above the earth. I grabbed binoculars to get a better look (In this dream, the binoculars were more like telescopes in the shape of normal binoculars). I looked through it and saw fiery comets and meteorites coming towards the earth with immense speed. I got such a fright, I pulled the binoculars ways from my eyes but I looked through it again. Again I saw the burning comets and meteorites approaching earth with miraculous speed and then I looked beyond the comets and meteorites (as if there was a zoom feature on the binoculars)... I saw complete chaos on earth. The planet was broken into pieces (as if torn apart) and each piece of broken earth had some sort of destruction upon it. I saw tornadoes, war, fire, destruction, negativity... absolute CHAOS