I had tea with Jesus

It was one of the colder mornings here in South Africa. After waking up, walking around in my PJ’s, I felt a little disconnected and I remember thinking  “I need to spend some time in the Word”… I walked into the living room (this is where I do most of my praying) and thought to myself  - It’s sooo cold, I would just like to have some tea… and then I decided just there and then that I am going to invite Jesus for a spot of tea because there is a few things I would like to talk to Him about.
I got the tea pot and brewed some of my favourite tea.
I sat down and had tea with Jesus. This was a very different approach compared to my usual way of praying. I spoke to Jesus like I would speak with my friend…(Jesus says He wants to be our friend and we are His friends – John 15:15 - No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you.).

In this moment, I felt like I can be even more real and honest. I have to admit that sometimes I pray and I leave things out because my thoughts around it, is that God knows everything, He knows all my thoughts, He knows my heart (Psalm 139) therefore I do not have to say everything that bothers me especially if it sounds petty to me or like I’m wining…. But this day was different.

I said to Jesus, Lord, I know you know my thoughts and you know my heart but I would just like to talk to you about this thing and I kept on talking, honestly sharing my thoughts and asking questions, really opening up especially regarding believers that has to endure suffering or go through trials and tribulation.

The word says that believers will suffer and go through trials and tribulations and I said to Jesus I know that your word says that we must have patient endurance, and it makes us stronger etc etc… The word gives us many answers as to why… but it is not something that I look forward to. To me, personally it is not a calming thought and most of the time it hurts… so much and the pain is so terrible… it really is not a “fun” activity to look forward to because it’s not nice to experience the pain and the hurt… Basically, instead of asking why, I was just truthfully sharing my feelings around it.

As I was having this honest conversation with Him, I kept quiet to allow Him to respond (as you would in any conversation)… He is so faithful because He answered me through the Spirit. It was an amazing experience, knowing that I can be honest with Jesus even though He knows every thought and knows my heart. I was reminded that Jesus did not look forward to His suffering either, He asked our Father that if it is possible that the cup will please pass Him (Matthew 26:39) so I am not alone in feeling this way. Jesus knows exactly what I am talking about.  The peace I felt is almost indescribable. It felt as though a burden was lifted as His peace flooded through my soul and answering me with so much kindness in such a gentle loving way… and I smiled as he showed me through His Spirit something wonderful...

(Want to know the rest of the answer I got from the Holy Spirit as I had the conversation with Jesus? Stay tuned for my next post - Jesus answers over a spot of tea)

Be Blessed


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