I had this dream a while back and I have decided to share it:

It was dusk but the night sky was really dark. There was no moon but I did see stars, many stars coming together in one place. All the stars in the night sky, grouped together above the earth. I grabbed binoculars to get a better look (In this dream, the binoculars were more like telescopes in the shape of normal binoculars). I looked through it and saw fiery comets and meteorites coming towards the earth with immense speed. I got such a fright, I pulled the binoculars ways from my eyes but I looked through it again. Again I saw the burning comets and meteorites approaching earth with miraculous speed and then I looked beyond the comets and meteorites (as if there was a zoom feature on the binoculars)... I saw complete chaos on earth. The planet was broken into pieces (as if torn apart) and each piece of broken earth had some sort of destruction upon it. I saw tornadoes, war, fire, destruction, negativity... absolute CHAOS EVERYWHERE... approaching the earth but I saw even beyond the chaos - the next zoom level... I saw the cross of Jesus. Everything at the cross was peaceful and the atmosphere was that of complete serenity ... also approaching the earth. I pulled the telescopic binoculars away and heard myself almost shouting, THE LORD IS COMING NOW!
I woke up a few seconds after that.

The dream doesn't need much explaining because the crux is that Jesus is coming and time is running out... fast.

Repent! Repent! Repent!

People have been saying "The time is near" or "the time is now" for quite while now and some people might think "Yeah right, people have been saying the Lord is coming for years and still nothing" - but it is written:

But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day - 2 Peter 3:8(NIV).


For you know quite well that the day of the Lord's return will come unexpectedly, like a thief in the night - 1 Thes 5:2 (NLT).

Even though years have passed, He (Jesus) will return unexpectedly and everyone (and yes, I am one of them) who is saying "The time is near" or "the time is now" are actually warning you and urging you to repent and follow Jesus before it's too late. We are not doing it to get some kick out of it, we are doing it out of love because God first loved us. That is why He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus to die for our sins on the cross (see John 3:16), so we can be saved but we need to repent, choose Jesus as our Saviour, believe and follow Him. (see Mark 1:15 and Acts 3:19).

Further it is written:

Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour - 1 Peter 5:8 (NLT)

So if the devil is actively searching for someone to devour it means he also know the time is near. Why else would he be actively searching for whom he can devour? The devil does not want you to get saved. He knows its too late for him,, but its not too late for you. Therefore, we can no longer be passive, we need to actively pursue God and follow Jesus and we are not doing it alone. Jesus sent us The Helper, the Holy Spirit! 


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