Step With Jesus

I give one step, I give another, one after the other and that is how we move forward but I've learned that in life, I can't do it on my own.
I need strength, power, energy, motivation, comfort, discipline, accountability... I need an energy source... I need JESUS.

I wanted to say that I'm just another girl that likes to run... But I'm not. You're not. I am uniquely created to fulfill a purpose, to run with endurance the race set out before me... And so are you.

This is what this blog post is about. I got the idea to write this blog while running my first 15.5km. I wanted to document my thoughts. I didn't have a notebook with me, I didn't feel like sharing it on Instagram... I just kind of wanted a place to share my thoughts for no one in particular and so the idea of this blog post popped up... A space online to share my thoughts that can be longer than an Instagram post. This is a space for me to share my thoughts about Christian Life and Running and how running can be applied to my Christian Life. If someone reads it and they relate, that's fantastic. If no one reads it, that is also okay because at the end of the day... I'm writing this to remind myself of profound running moments in my life... For that reason I will post here as often as I feel like it. It may be once a month, it may be every two months, maybe every week.

So if you're reading this... Welcome (feel free to read some of my other posts... I've been writing since 2014. I've come a long way and there has been lots of growth... I'm still growing.

I like to run and I also like to walk. Sometimes I run on my own, sometimes I go with my husband or with my Shadow (German Shepard Rottweiler).

I like to stay active, I also like chocolate and ice cream... Actually I love it. In it all (you know, life) , I have found that Jesus talks... He is a relational God, He is my friend and running/walking has become times of worship and like friends go for coffee dates... I like to think that I have a "running date" with Jesus.

I give one step, I give another, one after the other and before I know it, I'm running ... But never alone. Every step I give, I step with Jesus... I run with Christ. 

Until the next post..... stay blessed.


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