
Showing posts from 2019

I need to speak to all THREE of YOU - Dealing with Shame and Guilt

It’s not a popular feeling (who likes feeling guilty and ashamed? – NO ONE) and   usually people would deliberately try to   focus on something else, on something positive and “forget” about whatever makes them feel guilty and ashamed and in some cases even deny the truth…   But somewhere along the road, guilt and shame will always catch up with you…. unless you learn to really let them go. That’s what happened to me. I found myself feeling guilty and ashamed for things that have happened to me in the past and I felt guilty and ashamed for things I’ve done in the past. For many years I told myself – “it was not that bad” or “it could have been worse” or “I’m glad I’m no longer that person” or I just simply denied that it ever happened (that is no way of living), but I didn’t allow myself to deal with the reason or the root of why I am feeling guilty and ashamed. So… I got up and I went to God and said – "I need to speak with You, all three of You" (God the Father, Jesus C

NO ONE could have told me THIS

More than 21 days ago I posted on Instagram that I will take a break from IG.   People told me how I would lose followers, miss out on life (other people’s lives), fall behind… all sorts of things but no one could have told me this…  ....that I would have to say goodbye to one of my most favourite people in this world, the wisest person I know, my mentor and someone that modeled a relationship with Christ… On 2 September 2019 my grandfather, my “Oupa Tjommie”   (which directly translates to Grandfather Friend) went home. We called him that because he was always a friend to us. I loved him so much. I always went to him for advice, for prayer, for a “press” (that’s what he called a hug). My grandfather was my role model and because of him, I pursued Jesus… I still do. I was always excited to tell him if I had a new revelation about Jesus and His word. No one could have told me that even though my grandfather would pass, that I will gain a peace that is so deep, that is so big,

Step With Jesus

I give one step, I give another, one after the other and that is how we move forward but I've learned that in life, I can't do it on my own. I need strength, power, energy, motivation, comfort, discipline, accountability... I need an energy source... I need JESUS. I wanted to say that I'm just another girl that likes to run... But I'm not. You're not. I am uniquely created to fulfill  a purpose, to run with endurance the race set out before me... And so are you. This is what this blog post is about. I got the idea to write this blog while running my first 15.5km. I wanted to document my thoughts. I didn't have a notebook with me, I didn't feel like sharing it on Instagram... I just kind of wanted a place to share my thoughts for no one in particular and so the idea of this blog post popped up... A space online to share my thoughts that can be longer than an Instagram post. This is a space for me to share my thoughts about Christian Life and Running