
Showing posts from March, 2020

Invitation sent - are you accepting?

So far 2020 has been challenging... First challenging on a personal level as I experienced the Lord teaching me a few things of how to deal with some situations, business principles etc and being aware of the Corona Virus in China. I started to regularly dream about weddings which was weird because I haven't been dreaming about weddings since before I got married. I'm guessing the dreams started around the beginning of February and I practically had a wedding related dream once a week. The first wedding dream I could recall was my own wedding but the focus wasn't on me but on the bride's (also not me, rather a universal character representing all brides) dress and the walk down the aisle. The dress was white with black inserts and the aisle a long walk but sure enough the groom got closer. The second wedding dream was focused on the off-whitish-light-ivory dress and the location - on the beach with ocean views. The level of the ocean water was rising - like