
Showing posts from June, 2017

Jesus answers over a spot of tea

So in my previous post I was telling you about my tea date with Jesus and how I had a real honest conversation with Him on suffering, going through trials and tribulations and how it’s painful... If you would like to read the previous post, click here: I had tea with Jesus ) I also kept you guessing in not telling you the whole answer straight away so in this post, I get to share the rest of the wonderful answer with you. This answer showed to me though the Holy Spirit now helps me to have courage. If you are like me and you are more of a visual person, then maybe this will help you as well.  So while I had this conversation with Jesus, He also answered me through His Spirit by showing me the following over a spot of tea: I saw a sword. The sword was mighty, shiny, strong and was able to win battles but the sword has to stay sharp and therefore it was being honed – You are the sword. Whaaaaaaat? I didn’t quite know what to make of it and felt a little confused