
Showing posts from March, 2017


I had this dream a while back and I have decided to share it: It was dusk but the night sky was really dark. There was no moon but I did see stars, many stars coming together in one place. All the stars in the night sky, grouped together above the earth. I grabbed binoculars to get a better look (In this dream, the binoculars were more like telescopes in the shape of normal binoculars). I looked through it and saw fiery comets and meteorites coming towards the earth with immense speed. I got such a fright, I pulled the binoculars ways from my eyes but I looked through it again. Again I saw the burning comets and meteorites approaching earth with miraculous speed and then I looked beyond the comets and meteorites (as if there was a zoom feature on the binoculars)... I saw complete chaos on earth. The planet was broken into pieces (as if torn apart) and each piece of broken earth had some sort of destruction upon it. I saw tornadoes, war, fire, destruction, negativity... absolute CHAOS