
Showing posts from April, 2017

DREAM: Walking into hell

I dream quite frequently (like most people do) and when I wake up, I usually forget what I have dreamed (like most people) however, in some cases it does happen that my dreams are extremely vivid and I remember every single detail... Over the years I have learned to take these vivid dreams to the Lord and ask the Holy Spirit for revelation because the Lord can communicate through dreams ( See   Genesis 28:10-17 ,  Genesis 37:1-11 ,  Matthew 1:20 ;  2:13  for examples). One of these dreams I had was as follow: It was daylight, like midday. The skies were clear and I was traveling with other people in a car. I was sitting in the backseat looking out through the back window. There were no other cars behind me but there were a small group of people showing STOP, STOP, STOP... Suddenly the car I was travelling in collided with a car in front. I was suddenly pulled out of the car into the air (the rest of this dream I watched play out from the top).  There were many other cars, a lot of tra

The Bride of Christ - WHAT ARE WE DOING?

One evening (5 April 2017), I was standing in my kitchen making tuna salad. While doing that I was praying and worshiping the Lord. I prayed for the Holy Spirit to speak to me and while I was praying I saw the following: A bride was getting ready for her groom. She was doing her best to look and be her best for the groom. I saw all the time that was put in to prepare for this moment, the moment the bride will meet her groom and she will be ready. And then the words: WHAT ARE THE BRIDE OF CHRIST DOING? The Holy Spirit then reminded me of the verse about the 10 virgins with oil lamps (Matt 25). 5 were wise and made the necessary preparations by taking extra oil, the other 5 were foolish. When the time came that the Groom was coming, the 5 foolish girls did not have enough oil in their lamps and had to go back to get more. While they were gone, the Groom came and the 5 girls who had prepared and had the extra oil went with the Groom into the marriage fest and the doors were s