
Showing posts from November, 2015

We serve a God of Healing and Miracles

I haven't posted since May 2014 but I felt that I needed to share this. It has been a tough week for me and my family. But we are all keeping our heads high because we serve an awesome God. Here is the story: On 19 November 2015, my Grandfather had a heart attack in the early morning hours. He was taken to the hospital where they treated him and later transferred him to the Medi-Clinic Heart Hospital in Pretoria where they performed an angiogram to determine what is going on with my grandfather’s heart. The result was this: The double coronary artery bypass graft the Doctors performed in February 2015, have disappeared. The doctors cannot explain this at all because “there is no way it can just disappear, also, one of his other arteries started flowing again...” HALLELUJAH! PRAISE THE LORD for the miracle of healing! I firmly believe it is the hand of God because He has a different plan. I visited him that same evening and prayed for healing in his body and for t